Raising Resilient Kids: Tips for Building Emotional Strength

Dino’s top tips…

1. What builds emotional strength? 
2.  Start early
3. Never compare
4. Deal with bullies
5. Face challenges head-on
6. Be adaptable
7. Learn emotional first aid

Parenting is like preparing your kids for a world that’s both a fluffy kitten and a fire-breathing dragon. In this guide, we’re putting on our emotional armour and diving into the realm of resilience. Let’s equip those little humans with the emotional toolbox they’ll need to face life’s ups and downs without losing their marbles (or yours).

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1. The Resilience Recipe – Ingredients for Emotional Toughness

Ingredient 1: Self-Esteem Sprinkles:

Start with a generous sprinkle of self-esteem. Help your kids understand their worth isn’t determined by external factors but by the magic within. It’s like fairy dust for the soul.

Ingredient 2: Failure Fries – A Side Dish of Growth:

Serve up some failure fries on the side. Teach them that setbacks aren’t roadblocks; they’re detours on the highway of life. Failure isn’t falling down; it’s the opportunity to bounce back higher.


2. Label Maker for Emotions – The Emotional ABCs

Angry Antics and Happy Hijinks:

Introduce the emotional ABCs early on. Teach them that it’s okay to feel angry, happy, sad, or all of the above within a span of five minutes. Emotions are the colours of their emotional canvas.

Express Yourself – Emotionally Savvy Kids:

Encourage them to express their emotions. Whether it’s through art, words, or interpretive dance, make sure they have outlets for the emotional overflow.


3. The Comparison Trap – Kicking It to the Curb

Comparison Is the Thief of Joy:

Instil in them the wisdom that comparing themselves to others is like comparing apples and, well, eggplants. Everyone’s journey is unique, and that’s what makes it beautiful.

The Grass Isn’t Always Greener – It’s Just a Different Shade:

Teach them that the grass isn’t always greener; it’s just a different shade. Contentment comes from appreciating their own patch of grass, weeds and all.


4. Bouncing Back from Bullies – Resilience Against Meanies

The Bully-Repellent Shield:

Equip them with a bully-repellent shield. Teach them that words can only hurt if they let them. Bullies are like mosquitoes; annoying but harmless if you swat them away.

The Power of Kindness – Turning Meanies into Mates:

Show them the power of kindness. Sometimes, turning a potential foe into a friend is as simple as sharing a snack or complimenting their impeccable taste in shoelaces.


5. Problem-Solving Prowess – Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Puzzle Pieces and Problem-Solving:

Life is a giant puzzle, and problem-solving is the key to completing it. Teach them to break down challenges into manageable pieces. It’s like solving a jigsaw puzzle but with fewer missing pieces.

The 5 W’s of Problem-Solving:

Encourage them to ask the 5 W’s when faced with a problem: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. It’s like the detective toolkit for life’s mysteries.


6. Flexibility – The Superpower of Adapting

Rubber Bands and Resilience:

Flexibility is their superpower. Teach them to be like rubber bands, not rigid sticks. Life is ever-changing, and the ability to bend without breaking is a priceless skill.

The Art of Adaptation – Thriving in Change:

Help them see change as an adventure. Whether it’s a change in schools, friends, or even the weather, teach them to adapt and find the silver lining.


7. Emotional First Aid – The Band-Aids for Bruises

Feel, Heal, and Seal:

When emotional bruises happen, and they will, teach them the three-step process: Feel the emotion, allow time for healing, and then seal it with positive thoughts. It’s like emotional first aid for the soul.

The Power of Hugs – The Ultimate Emotional Balm:

Never underestimate the power of a good hug. Whether it’s from you, a friend, or a pet, hugs have magical healing properties. They’re like the superhero capes of the emotional world.

There you have it, aspiring resilience architects! By incorporating these ingredients into your parenting concoction, you’re setting the stage for little humans who aren’t just surviving but thriving. Remember, resilience is not about avoiding the storms; it’s about learning how to dance in the rain. So, let’s lace up those emotional dancing shoes and waltz through life’s challenges with resilience, courage, and a touch of humour. Here’s to raising resilient rockstars!